Should I Hire a Contractor To My Sales Team?

Petri Rinne Internationalization, Partnerships, Sales Leave a Comment

This blog post has been updated on the 13th of October, 2020 at Rinne & Partners website click here to read. Different options to sell abroad International B2B sales is tricky and the key to success lies in relentless execution. The whole sales team needs to be a well lubricated engine, building a solid pipeline and closing deals. Needless to …

How to avoid common pitfalls with partnerships

Petri Rinne Partnerships, Sales Leave a Comment

This blog post has been updated on the 13th of October, 2020 at Rinne & Partners website click here to read. I have been there…after signing a lucrative partnership agreement, I thought that we cracked it and the path to success was clear for us. Nope! It’s not going to happen that way – ever! Partnerships need attention. You need …